Manuscript guidelines
To submit a manuscript, authors should use the template provided herein. There is no restriction on manuscript length but texts should be written according to the provided guidelines. English (American spelling) is preferred, but manuscripts can be submitted in other languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Portuguese and Italian as long as the abstract is in English. Scientific papers should contain the following elements and sections: title, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion (or results and discussion in one section) and references. Non-scientific notes should contain: title, abstract, keywords and main text (with or without sections depending on the preferences of authors). First person (I found, we found) or third person writing styles (it was found) are allowed. Color figures are accepted.
Title: Any title is a synthesis of the contents in the manuscript and should create the appropriate expectations in the reader. It must include the key point to be comunicated and sometimes the most important result.
Abstract: This section is a very simplified version of the justification, methodology, results and contributions of the project. It should include the most important conclusion of the study and be written in less than 250 words.
Keywords: Keywords are single words (i.e., capillitium) or simple phrases (i.e., molecular techniques) that give visibility to the article. Do not include more than five keywords or repeat those that are already in the title.
Introduction: This section provides an overview of the context or the problem authors are dealing with in the experiment and/or project explained in the manuscript. A description of the study problem should be included and why is important to treat it. Work hypotheses or tentative explanations can be added to the problem being investigated.
Materials and methods: This section describes the methods, procedures and tools/objects used to run the project. Authors should keep in mind that readers often require details of methodological approaches to understand the limitations of the project. Honesty is key in this section.
Results: In this section authors need to describe the relevant data and observations that were recorded/determined to answer the main question of the manuscript. Tables and figures can be included, in which case they should be cited in the text. Do not include orphaned data (without explanation in text).
Discussion: In this section, authors should summarize the main points of the experiment or study and link them sequentially and logically with the results obtained. It is important to briefly discuss the final message for the reader to take home.
References: In this section authors should include all the previous studies that support the ideas, messages and analyzed results included in all the previous sections. For this, the Name Year CSE citation format should be used.
Additional recommendations: 1) Do not write single-sentence paragraphs. 2) The titles of the figures and the tables must answer the following questions: what, how, when, where? 3) Avoid 3D figures/graphs. 4) Avoid using words or phrases that are typical of professional jargon (technicalities). 5) In the text, numbers less than ten are written in words (one, two, three, four...) and those greater than ten are written with numerical symbols (11 instead of eleven and 12 instead of twelve). 6) If you include statistical metrics (for example: p, r, F, t), use italics for the letters of different tests. 7) For equations use the equation editor included in your text processor.
Submission procedure
To submit a manuscript click here. Fill out the form with the information requested and attach the file (.docx, .doc - Microsoft Word version) of your manuscript.
Review process
Slime Molds uses a single-blind peer-review process for scientific articles. This process is coordinated by Associate Editors under the guidance of the Editor in Chief. Non-scientific articles undergo a process of editorial review coordinated by either an Associate Editor or the Editor in Chief, but no peer review is carried out.
Article processing charges
Slime Molds does not charge for publications.